
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Guest Post: Summer Facial Routine

I've been quiet as of late. For that, I must apologize. This summer has been filled with summer classes, friendship, responsibilities, and family tragedy. Soon I will be recapping and filling you all in; right now, however, my laptop is on its way to Repair Land. There I hope all of its cosmetic and battery issues mend so that it stays with me for another two years. You can do it, Skywalker! (Clarity: I nicknamed my computer Skywalker. His full name is Skywalker, Personal Mischief Manager and One Computer to Rule Them All. "Sky" or "Skywalker" is so much easier to say.)

    With Skywalker away on adventures, I am left to my own devices. This means it is just me and my main, hard-wired computer. This baby has been through it all; I've had her nearly a decade of my life and she still keeps trudging. She's usually retired to just a photo-editing and email hub. Doing too much makes her tired and wheezy. Worst of all, she despises blogger. 

    No blogging for 1-2 weeks?! Yikes! A few wonderful bloggers responded to my plea for help. Like true friends they swooped in to the rescue!

   Today, Emily from Emily's Life Lessons is guest posting. Her old blog can be found here, as she recently made the exciting switch over to and her own domain name! (The previous link, with her blog title, goes to her newest blog.) You can also find Emily at these locations on the inter-web:

Facebook: Emily's Life Lessons
Twitter: EmBeks219 
Instagram: emilybeks93 
Pinterest: ebeker 
Bloglovin: emilybeker

(As soon as my laptop is back, I will include hyperlinks to these locations for easy access.)
Thank you, Emily, for helping a girl out! Don't forget to swing by her blog and social media to spread the love!
Emily even included a photo for us all! :)

Disclaimer: this is not a sponsored post. I just happen to love their products.
I have extremely sensitive skin. Anything can make it break out even though it improved after going off dairy. This summer my complexion still hasn’t been so clear and I finally figured out why. I had been slacking in a good facial routine. This is a problem given the amount of exercising I am doing. With exercising comes sweat and it was killing my face. Now, I have it down to a science. For those who need a good routine for summer workouts or a solid, easy routine in general, take a look!
In The Morning: 
1) Neutrogena Naturals Fresh Cleansing and Makeup Remover. If you want to be extra diligent use a Clarisonic with it.
2) While my face is damp, I put on Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Pore Scrub. It is super light, comfortable and doesn’t irritate my skin like other scrubs tend to do.

     3) Neutrogena Naturals Multi-Vitamin Nourishing Moisturizer. It is lightweight so you don’t feel it on your face which always bothers me about moisturizer and makeup in general.

     The Day Time:
1) Neutrogena SPF 15 Acne Free Face Sunscreen (as needed). It is one of the first sunscreens I use that doesn’t add to my acne.

2) Makeup or cleansing wipes after workouts to clean my face. This prevented the sweat and oil from going into my pores.

At Night:
1)  Cleansing and makeup remover. I found on days I don’t wash my face twice I am more prone to acne breakouts.
2) Neutrogena Naturals Multi-Vitamin Nourishing Night Cream (again, use a Clarisonic if you want to be diligent). This cream is also low irritant and keeps my face moisturized throughout the night. 

This is a super easy routine, and the line is not super expensive. You can get it at any CVS of drug store. It is natural, and feels amazing on my skin. It also made a huge difference for me this summer.

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